Pretoria, and more specific Prince’s Park in the west of Pretoria’s CBD, had its first OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT!
Faith comes by hearing. But when you add visualization, it makes sharing the gospel even more effective!
Dare to Love and our Street Church team are so blessed to be partnering with the Jesus Film Project, South Africa! They have recently issued us with a full movie set that we could add to our quiver!
This is such an incredible tool for sharing and confirming the gospel of Jesus Christ! It also makes it possible for people to hear the gospel in their own language! Yes, the Jesus Film is now already being translated in more than 2,000 languages!
And what is a movie night without popcorn and cooldrink! We had the full package on offer– a great movie, popcorn, chips, cookies and cooldrink! This Jesus Film, based on the gospel of Luke, really have the perfect balance between showing scenes like the crucifixion in a way that is no compromise to the reality and truth thereof, but yet still family friendly.
What was most amazing, is the 12 or 15 children that were sitting right in the front row! They sometimes even forgot to eat their snacks! For the full 2 hours, this movie kept their attention span continuously!
And not even the rain could steel anyone’s attention from this movie! Nobody even winked an eye when it started to rain and we just had to find a way through the crowed in order to pitch the gazebo’s over them! It was if God was just adding some real 4D to our movie night – right at the exact scene with Jesus in the boat with his disciples in the storm, it starts pouring down!
What is so exiting about partnering with the Jesus Film Project, South Africa, is that it is about so much more than just the Jesus Film! They have so many other video content as well! The heart behind all of it is truly disciple making and multiplying through their bible study methodology as they have divided not only the Jesus Film, but more movies into video segments of only a few minutes (4 – 5 minutes) that visualize exact scripture from the book of Luke. This can be used in small gatherings and with the study guide assistance, it really empowers people to facilitate small discipleship groups through word-based content! We also have been issued with a WIFI box that we can use to transfer content to the ones that’s ready to use this for disciple making!
All of this content is freely available – just search for Jesus Film Project on your Android or iPhone App store!
We can’t wait to host our next movie night in the streets of Pretoria and are already planning the next event! Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for the announcement thereof and come and join us!