This man was almost run-over by a vehicle on Saturday morning – an event that made him realize that life is short and he needed to make right. . . We were cleaning Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria on Saturday from the abortion and sangoma stickers and the theme was JOY! We were playing worship music and we handed out oranges as an act of love and kindness. He came walking up to Martie and said that he wants to give his life to Jesus! She spent some time ministering to him and we sensed true repentance and witnessed deliverance!
The very next day (Sunday), this same man was drawn to us yet again as he followed the music that we were playing as we were busy with worship, praise and church in Burgerspark. As he walked up to us - his favorite song starts playing. He worked through the whole book of John (a booklet that we handed to him on Saturday) and yet again, we could minister to him and we helped him with forgiveness, purpose, and reconciliation with his family (mom) in Durban. I met him this morning again (on appointment) and shared with him what the Lord showed me – to no surprise to him as it was just confirmation of what the Lord had shared with him! He now has a bus ticket back to Durban tomorrow and is focused on His God-given mission & mandate! Such an incredible testimony of a former gangster, prisoner and homeless man, reconciled with his family and now off the streets, touched by the Holy Spirit and transformed and restored instantly as a son of God! This is truly a testimony and the signature of our miracle-working God! Rev 12:11 But wait, it gets better! Follow up on this testimony! WOW, BUT GOD!!! This testimony is just getting better and better. . . The Lord is expediting Kiernan’s purpose and work back home in KZN! He is so filled with the Spirit and zeal for the Lord! Since his return, he is just sharing the good news of Jesus Christ every single day in the streets of Durban! Last week Sunday, he testified that, as he was spontaneously ministering the Word, people just started gathering around him – they eventually ended up being around 20 people – just flowing in fellowship with God and one another! During last week, he phoned me for advice. The day before, he ministered to a lady that accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Only afterwards, did he get to know that she was a witch-doctor for 16 years! She came back for more prayer and asked him what to do with all the beads, etc. that she used to wear, but had now took off – thus his call to me for advice. Then, when I spoke to him today, he told me that he was ministering to a Van Der Merwe family in North beach yesterday. Meanwhile, they are Spirit filled believers and after experiencing his zeal and passion for God, they offered him a job! This is only about 2 weeks after his Damascus moment and encounter with God, and just look at what God is doing already in his life! Oh, and just one more testimony of God’s goodness: Yesterday in Burgerspark, we experienced the most amazing presence and work of the Holy Spirit and witnessed deliverances and healings! Because of that, two of our newly found brothers were ready to commit to rehabilitation and we took them with joyful, expecting hearts to a rehabilitation facility today! They have chosen to accept Jesus, received the Holy Spirit and is on a mission to transform their lives off the street! Indeed, God is the Way-maker, Miracle-worker, Promise-keeper Light in the darkness God!