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Writer's picture: HermanHerman

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Many of us have absolutely no idea how to deal with all the social ills around us, even in the close proximity of our churches. Whose responsibility, are they? How do we resolve the issues of poverty, homelessness, brokenness, hopelessness, alcoholism, substance abuse/addictions, prostitution, abortion, pornography, corruption, etc.?

Step one is to realise that it is the responsibility of the church and not that of the government. We have abdicated our responsibility. Given away the baby. The government proved not to have the solutions, ways and means. The only way out is to take back the baby. To step up and start doing something about it ourselves, as Christians!

Love is the antidote to these problems and we as followers of Jesus Christ, have been equipped with Him in us. Therefore, having the fullness of Christ, the antidote to combat these social ills.

But for us to make an impact, we need to get back to the basics of LOVING AND LIVING LIKE JESUS! These basics are the STANDING ORDERS of God to all of His children. Unfortunately, we have created a culture of so much focus on and waiting for our specific calling (or SPESIFIC ORDERS) that we neglect the basic STANDING ORDERS.

Let’s have a look at the difference between STANDING ORDERS and SPESIFIC ORDERS by ways of an explanation of some basic understanding of how an army works.

In an army, everyone needs to undergo basic training. Every soldier needs to be trained in the basic principles of warfare and be fully equipped to apply them! These basics, that become our STANDING ORDERS in combat, are not limited to, but includes fitness, drill, combat skills, shooting exercises, fieldcraft, map reading, command information, and many more.

SPESIFIC ORDERS and leadership roles can only be assigned to those who have “put on this full armor” and made these basics / STANDING ORDERS part of their existence and day to day life. These SPESIFIC ORDERS never overrule or nullify the need to “keep fit and exercise” these basic / STANDING ORDERS. They just add value on top of the basics.

These SPESIFIC ORDERS and assignments can be leadership roles or instructor roles in all the different formations and units of an army - like infantry, artillery, air defense, signal formation, medical formation, armoured corps, and many more. And in each of these diverse fields, there are even more specific dynamics and roles to fulfill.

But one thing remain – you will compromise your responsibility of being a soldier if you neglect the basics or the STANDING ORDERS.

For us as Christians, in God’s army, these same principals apply!

There are many SPESIFIC ORDERS. And those to whom they are assigned, needs to walk in the fullness of it! This is for the equipping and the edifying of the saints, for God’s glory!

These SPESIFIC ORDERS in God’s army are not limited to, but includes the functioning of apostles, prophets, evangelists, preachers, pastors / shepherds (Ephesians 4) and many other Spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12) and also various specific callings that He is assigning soldiers in His army with for specific seasons.

But we cannot afford to compromise our responsibility of being a soldier, by ignoring / neglecting the STANDING ORDERS in God’s army! DO NOT neglect the basic STANDING ORDERS!

If you only occupy the office, you will lose your ability to be a fit, equipped and trained soldier! You need to maintain these STANDING ORDERS in order to be a worthy soldier. The only way of doing this, is to keep pitching up for some “PT” every so often (visiting the fitness grounds), attend the shooting range, partake in combat exercises, etc.

These STANDING ORDERS are work that God has called ALL of us to do. This is so important to Him that He appointed His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the ultimate Instructor and Demonstrator of how to execute and obey them!

These BASICS / STANDING ORDERS are not limited to, but includes:

  • GO, and make disciples (Matt 28: 18,19)

  • GO, and preach the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15)

  • Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons (Matt 10:8)

  • Be the good Samaritan, even if it cost you your time and money (Luke 10)

  • “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9)

  • “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17)

  • Loose the chains of injustice, break every yoke and set the oppressed free. Share your food with the hungry. Provide the poor wanderer with shelter. Clothe the naked. (Isaiah 58:6-7)

  • Serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13)

  • Be peace-makers (Matt 5:9)

I personally believe that the scripture in Matt 9, when Jesus “said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” refers to the absence of soldiers on the battlefield. Christians, not fulfilling their STANDING ORDER instructions from God.

Seeing the destitute and hopeless being delivered from brokenness and addictions and -reconciled with Christ and their families, truly bring hope. We are witnesses of even former feared gangster leaders and murderers that have been transformed into soldiers and warriors that now preach and proclaim the gospel of Christ! Revelation 12:11 is truly echoing through the streets! "If God can do it for him, He surely can do it for me!”

Therefore, I have the boldness and courage to call all believers into ACTION and unto the BATTLEFIELD! Let’s take up our STANDING ORDERS and break one chain at a time. Set one captive free at a time. Feed one hungry mouth at a time. Love one broken soul at a time. Bring hope to one hopeless homeless person at a time.

Challenge some friends and fellow believers to start reaching out. If you’re unsure how, join us or any other group of servants that actively reach out and serve on the streets. We love the principal of “see one, do one, teach one”. But it takes a willful decision to just start somewhere! Let’s love the people off the streets!


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1 Comment

Les Brussow
Les Brussow
Nov 09, 2022

Very good understanding of the real Gospel. We need to go back to basics!

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