We are all ordinary members of the body of Christ with compassion and desire to love (serve) all of His people. We have the heart of the Father for the widow, orphan and stranger / foreigner. This is not limited to, but includes especially the homeless whom the world has labeled as worthless and unlovable.
We understand that love is a verb. It is an action. Our salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not by our own efforts and works. But the outflow and fruit of our salvation and relationship with Christ will be our works as representatives of Him.
We operate in submission to Christ and understand that we can only bring heaven to earth through the Holy Spirit’s working in and through us. We do not take pride in anything and strive to always remain meek and humble. We don’t operate from pedestals and also do not allow people to idolize us or to put us on pedestals. We are but dust without Christ.